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A Julia wrapper for using BCSR matrices, iterative solvers and preconditioners from the ISTL (v2.7.0) (iterative solver template library) module of DUNE (v2.7.0) (the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment). Documentation of DUNE (v2.7.0) is available here;


DuneIstlSolvers.jl is unregistered for now. In addition, the dependent JLL package libduneistlsolver_jll.jl is also unregistered.

Therefore, to install, we need to first manually add libduneistlsolver_jll.jl:

] add https://github.com/DeanLym/libduneistlsolver_jll.jl.git

Next, install DuneIstlSolvers.jl with

] add https://github.com/DeanLym/DuneIstlSolvers.jl.git


using DuneIstlSolvers
## create a solver for 3x3 BCSR matrix with block size 2
n = 3
solver = DuneIstlSolver{Float64, Int32(2)}(n)
random [n=3,m=3,rowdim=6,coldim=6]
    0          .          .          .          .          .          .
    1          .          .          .          .          .          .
    2          .          .          .          .          .          .
    3          .          .          .          .          .          .
    4          .          .          .          .          .          .
    5          .          .          .          .          .          .
## add non-zero blocks to the BCSR matrix
row_size = Int32.([1, 1, 1])
nnz = sum(row_size)
BI = Int32.([1, 2, 3]) # one-based indexing
BJ = copy(BI)
construct_matrix(solver, nnz, row_size, BI, BJ)
random [n=3,m=3,rowdim=6,coldim=6]
    0   0.00e+00   0.00e+00          .          .          .          .
    1   0.00e+00   0.00e+00          .          .          .          .
    2          .          .   0.00e+00   0.00e+00          .          .
    3          .          .   0.00e+00   0.00e+00          .          .
    4          .          .          .          .   0.00e+00   0.00e+00
    5          .          .          .          .   0.00e+00   0.00e+00
## Add value to the BCSR matrix
V1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
add_value_matrix(solver, nnz, BI, BJ, 1, 1, V1)
add_value_matrix(solver, nnz, BI, BJ, 2, 2, V1)
random [n=3,m=3,rowdim=6,coldim=6]
    0   1.00e+00   0.00e+00          .          .          .          .
    1   0.00e+00   1.00e+00          .          .          .          .
    2          .          .   2.00e+00   0.00e+00          .          .
    3          .          .   0.00e+00   2.00e+00          .          .
    4          .          .          .          .   3.00e+00   0.00e+00
    5          .          .          .          .   0.00e+00   3.00e+00
## Add value to the RHS vector
V2 = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0]
add_value_rhs(solver, n, BI, 1, V2)
add_value_rhs(solver, n, BI, 2, V2)
rhs [blocks=3,dimension=6]
    0   2.00e+00
    1   2.00e+00
    2   4.00e+00
    3   4.00e+00
    4   6.00e+00
    5   6.00e+00
## Get default settings for the iterative solver
println("Solver type: ", get_solver_type(solver))
println("Target reduction: ", get_target_reduction(solver))
println("Maximum iterations:", get_max_iter(solver))
Solver type: BiCGSTAB
Target reduction: 0.01
Maximum iterations:50
## Get default settings for the preconditioner
println("Preconditioner type: ", get_preconditioner_type(solver))
println("Preconditioner relax: ", get_preconditioner_relax(solver))
println("ILU order: ", get_ilu_n(solver))
Preconditioner type: ILU
Preconditioner relax: 1.2
ILU order: 0
## Solve the linear equation
set_verbose(solver, 2)
=== Dune::BiCGSTABSolver
 Iter          Defect            Rate
    0           10.583
  0.5      1.88411e-15      1.78032e-16
=== rate=3.16953e-32, T=8.9282e-05, TIT=inf, IT=0
## Get solution
x = zeros(Float64, 2*n)
get_solution(solver, x)
6-element Array{Float64,1}:
## Get statistics
println("Number of iterations: ", get_iterations(solver))
println("Solver converged: ", get_converged(solver))
println("Final relative reduction: ", get_reduction(solver))
println("Time elapsed: ", get_elapsed(solver), "s")
Number of iterations: 0
Solver converged: true
Final relative reduction: 1.7803175061665246e-16
Time elapsed: 8.9282e-5s

Instantiated matrices, solvers and preconditioners

For now, only a few matrices, solvers and preconditioners are supported. More will be added in future releases.


At the time being, BCRS matrices with 1) square block of size 1-4, 2) element type of float and double are supported.

Dune TypeJulia Usage
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<double,1,1>>DuneIstlSolver{Float64, Int32(1)}
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<double,2,2>>DuneIstlSolver{Float64, Int32(2)}
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<double,3,3>>DuneIstlSolver{Float64, Int32(3)}
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<double,4,4>>DuneIstlSolver{Float64, Int32(4)}
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<float,1,1>>DuneIstlSolver{Float32, Int32(1)}
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<float,2,2>>DuneIstlSolver{Float32, Int32(2)}
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<float,3,3>>DuneIstlSolver{Float32, Int32(3)}
Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<float,4,4>>DuneIstlSolver{Float32, Int32(4)}


At the time being, only the BiCGSTAB and GMRes solvers are supported.

Dune TypeJulia Usage
Dune::BiCGSTABSolverset_solver_type(solver, "BiCGSTAB")
Dune::RestartedGMResSolverset_solver_type(solver, "RestartedGMRes")


At the time being, only the incomplete LU preconditioner is supported.

Dune TypeJulia Usage
Dune::SeqILUset_preconditioner_type(solver, "ILU")

Supported platforms

DuneIstlSolvers.jl can be used on platforms that are supported by libduneistlsolver_jll.jl.